Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital established in 1999 by the renowned Comtrust Charitable Trust which had been founded by Commonwealth Trust India Ltd , under German Missionaries (Basel Mission) which has an unblemished track record and of selfless service to the community in south India for well over 150 years.
The impetus for this was the lack of accessible good eye care facilities, especially for the poor, in North Kerala region . As on date, The Comtrust Charitable Trust is operating hospitals in Calicut and Tellichery and vision centres in Kodiyathur and Wayanad. The charitable activities of the Hospital and its community outreach programs are coordinated by the Comtrust Eye Care Society. The hospitals and vision centres that operate under the name “Comtrust Eye Hospital” (independently referred to as “the hospital” and collectively as “the hospitals”) are well equipped, have a highly dedicated team of doctors and staff and work with a motive of not just making profit but providing quality Eye care at affordable costs .
The hospitals that has been set up by the Comtrust Charitable Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees comprising of the representatives of the Settlors and independent individuals. The Board of Trustees shall be assisted by a Governing Body in the day to day operations of the Hospital.